The Elna Roller Foot, as it's name suggests this foot has rollers that roll against the fabric and act very much like the track on a bulldozer for sewing up and over heavy seams and uneven surfaces.
Challenging fabrics like leather, suede, synthetics and napped/piled fabrics are fabulous in today's fashions.
The textured rollers on this foot give you more control and cause less friction between the foot and feed dog. This foot is a snap on foot which is compatible with front loading machines.
For Elna Top Loaders Category B :- 320EX, 340EX, 450EX, 520EX, 540EX, 550EX, 560EX, 570A, 620EX, 660EX, 2600, 2800, 3003, 3005, 3007, 3210, 3210J, 3230, 5100, 5200, 5300, 6001, 6003, 6004, 6005, 6200, 6600, 7200, LOTUS, STAR.